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I was born in Sacramento, CA on August 14, 1978. I lived there for two years until my family moved to Mendocino. I went to school in Mendocino and I graduated from Mendocino High School in 1996.


I got my first job at age fourteen as a beta tester for video games. If you have a windows computer you can try it out here. It is called Pickle Wars.

In High School I started a company called WPG Designs with my friend Nathan Johnson. We designed a few web sites for people but didn't do much more. Since that didn't work well I partnered with the former Outlook Magazine to begin designing web sites for local businesses. I also partnered with another local to start a Cyber Cafe in Mendocino. I was doing this while taking classes at College of the Redwoods. After one semester I stopped going to school and began working full time.

In January of 1997 I was hired as the district technician for the Mendocino schools. The Cyber Cafe closed due to lack of business (we were a little ahead of our time). I started working for Mendocino Community Network (MCN), a small ISP that had been started by the school. Soon I was working for MCN full time and I have been there ever since. For a while I was doing ecommerce work for Flobeds. You should check out their beds that have a Latex Mattress.

For many years I was the head technician at MCN. I was in charge of our Macintosh web servers, List servers, Modem banks, Cable connections and the local area network. I also did a little bit of web page work, help with our NT servers, manage our mail and DNS servers along with maintaining our routers. I'm the guy they go to when they aren't sure what the answer is.

Starting in mid 1999 I began devising a shopping cart concept with my friend Joe Jones. It has grown into a full enterprise level e-commerce solution. We call it PaperStreet shopper and is sold as a service of Sage's Computer. We originally sold our e-commerce solutions to ISP's such as MCN and they would resell our services. We now also offer businesses to buy a copy direct from us and host it on their own servers. You can read more about PaperStreet on our web site.

In 2004 I opened a consulting business called Sage's Computer. We do web design and IT consulting. We manage the Network for the City of Fort Bragg and we also did their website. We also do e-commerce support for many sites including the Golden Gate Bridge.

My family got our first computer when I was nine. It was an Apple Macintosh SE with an 8 MHZ processor, 4 MB RAM, 20 MB hard drive and a single 800K floppy disk drive. I have been a Mac user ever since. I currently have two iBook G4's a G4 Cube and an eMac.


I first started editing VHS in the 6th grade. I took the video editing class in middle school and helped edit the morning video bulletin. In high school I took some video classes and started editing on Hi-8. By the time I was graduating we were editing digital on the computer. I met a guy named Sean Harris who has become one of my best friends. Together with Joe Jones the three of us have put together several projects under the name Darkage Pictures. You can read more about us at the Darkage web site.

I have always had just a few close friends. I have always had lots of friends that were not real close. As far as I know I haven't really had any enemies. In grammar school by best friends were Ted Williams and Richie Knight. In sixth grade Richie moved away. I was close friends with Sam Gitchel for a couple years during grammar school and middle school. I also would hang out with Mike Hicks. His grandmothers house was just down the block from mine. In fifth grade Adam Randall started going to school and we have been friends ever since. Ted and I drifted apart during high school. In High School I was friends with Nathan Johnson. Nathan moved to New York and I haven't seen him since 1997. I met Sean Harris in high school and we have been friends since. I went to the Mendocino Presbyterian Church youth group where I became friends with Llew Richards. I was the best man at his wedding. After high school Mike Hicks and I were roommates for a while. I met Joe Jones while working with Sean and Joe and I went on to create PaperStreet Software. Joe has also become one of my closest friends. I have another good friend named Andria. Her mom and my mom are friends and we went to kindergarden together. She used to live right next door but now she lives in Mendocino. I became friends with Drea & Madison when they owned Hidden Treasures in Mendocino. Together we put together Mendocino.com. My newest friend is Jerry Moore and his wife Alta. I worked with Jerry at MCN.


My Mom is Rachel Miller. She offers bookkeeping services at Mendo Books in Fort Bragg. My Dad is Bob Statham. He is a Volvo mechanic. My mom lives in Mendocino and my dad lives in Petaluma. I have one brother (Sayre) and one sister (Schea). Sayre lives in Mendocino with his wife Amy. They have a daughter Saphia. Schea is going to school at Sac State. I have eight step siblings (Jason, Josh, Kelsea, Heidi, Romy, Joby, Ariane and Sarah).

More Family
My wife is Christina Statham (also known as Nina). She wanted an engagement ring for Christmas and I tricked her into thinking she was getting earings. Boy was she suprised when she found a ring in her stocking! We are now married and have a baby girl born on September 8, 2003. Her name is Ashley Rose.

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